Monday, September 3, 2012

Rules and Ideas for Super Hero Fighting Game (Idea #2)

(In prog)
Writing these out, I have already noticed a pattern and theme in my games that i want to keep going with, setting Indy, characters (my top secret ones, are recurring in all of my games and comics) and ... (insert more)... I would love to keep the theme going.
I have been thinking about this idea for a long time.  I even drew some prototypes for a few of my characters.  At this point 2 are top secret, and i will only release them when the I finish the game.

I have already created a 2-d fighitng game engine that i would love to utilize for this.  I haven't expanded it to a 2-d brawler (Like Double dragon or Final Fight)  where your super powered protagonist goes through the streets of Indianapolis beating down evil doers and stopping the chaos that was unleashed on indianapolis.

General Game Mechanics:

each character will have a unique move set, but a few can share these type of gauges that dictate how they use their special.

walk, dash jump, punch, kick, counter/block, special(fireballs, weapons, ...anything else)  Special attack

Stamina Meters:
The classic bar that measures how much abuse your character can take before they are K'O'ed  Different PC(Player characters) characters have different amounts of health.
Other characters have smaller meters, that you have to reduce to zero before they are K.O.'ed.  Bosses may have different color bars that reflect how much health.  For example, a boss may have a green meter instead of yellow.  That basically means they have twice as much health as a normal enemy, and after the green is depleted, then the yellow bar will appear.  The green could be considered a shield or armor someone is equipped with.

Immediately beneath your characters yellow bar is their special meter.  these come in a few flavors:
Rage Meter:
When it is full charged, your character will glow red and take and receive 10% more damage.  And when you unleash their special move/power it will deal 20% more damage.  It also charges faster than the infinite special meter.
Infinite Special Meter:
Charges slower, and when it it is maxed, allows a player to use their special.  with no Apparent change.  The key difference is when the player takes damage, the meter recharges faster and faster Allowing more and more use of their special.  And when the player's health is in the red (really low), that's when this really shines!  It allows infinite use of their super meter when tehy are in desperation mode, and then you are capable of chaining and comboing your specials together!  You could create a character who uses has a machine gun hadoken or a infinite laser beam that demolishes opponents and sets up some nice combos!


  1. Adam Johnson

    This sounds awesome. I love beat'm ups!

  2. Sounds promising if ambitious, but if you have the engine mostly ready than it might not be as difficult as it sounds. Look forward to seeing your progress.

  3. This is an excellent idea. You could start a whole line of city themed fighting games, with locall celebrities as the main characters. Or even better, you could start a company that does tailored fighting games using you and your friends as characters for a fee.

  4. Jessica Faux - You are so full of ideas, just make sure you can keep all of the promises you make. Budget your time, darling!


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