Monday, September 3, 2012

Rules and Ideas for Battle Clue (Idea #3)

(In progress)

      I wanted to write out my thoughts about one of my ideas out of my 3 for my capstone.  (500 words was definitely not enough)

     This will be a Adobe flash game, and I want to make it use a fighting game engine that i have created.  I want to create the art and characters and the board with flash.  Maybe even add a bit of Art with maya to create '3-d' in a 2d space.  But the main aspects of the game would be the player(s) [I'd love to figure out how to make it multi-player and run off of a server]  killer, and the other characters.  Like NPC's in other games.  I want it to begin with all of the players human and cpu and the killer in the Mansion or a locked room.  Similar to clue.  Also like Clue, I see this as a tile based board game, with a top down perspective.  When the player can see the halls ways and room and others characters except when they go into a room.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////// BATTLE CLUE (working title)  /////////////////////////////////////////////
Game Mechanics:
*The Game board  (a.k.a. The Mysterious Mansion)

The main idea is that the player moves around the board (dice or free move*), room to room. I also want to include some hidden passages and places to hide too, and the ability to interrogate/fight suspects and search suspects and rooms to gather clues. And maybe accidentally encounter the killer.  basically you cna talk to suspects and see if they'll jsut talk or maybe won't copoerate because there scared.  Or maybe force os the only alternative.... ** see Fight Mechanic

//  *  ////////////// I was having a debate here ////////////////////////////////////////
Dice or FreeMove?
I was debating on having a dice mechanic to move around the board.  I feel it may slow the pace of the game, but maybe if it comes down to you chasing down the killer from attacking another character, or hiding for safety.  Then the dice could be suddenly much more dramatic.  I still haven't figured out the best way for this to work.

The Player(s)
The human player(s) can choose from the familiar roster (Something i will probably change in the future i.e. Capt. Condiment, instead of Col. Mustard) of suspects to play as.  Once the game beings they start in the main foyer with the other characters as they all seperate to find the killer in their own way.  As the game beigns, it is possible to talk to other players and interrogate (mabye even fight)  but when you are in a room with more than one character, it is possible for others to join the fray.  especially if you decdie to attack one perosn, then the other 8 jump in to defend them.  You also begin with one (random) peice of evidence that points to the killer.  I haven't quite thought out the clues yet. 
Also the killer,(Or as the killer, you begin with one randomly assigned weapon, which will be determined as teh murder weapon and can lead to your imprisonment.  But you also have it starting out in a fight so you have an edge.)

*I'm also trying to figure out that after plying through the game once, if we could unlock 'the killer mode)  Where you have to go and kill the other players and escape without getting caught arrested or busted.

The killer:  Has a weapon starting out.  Can have others (including NPC's) attack him if they catch him attempting to murder another character.  Also the killer,(Or as the killer, you begin with one randomly assigned weapon, which will be determined as the murder weapon (Possibly the gun, though that sounds broke in this game because I picture you being able to fire it down hallways) and can lead to your imprisonment.  But you also have it starting out in a fight so you have an edge.))

** Fight Mechanic (a.k.a. the Battle part of Battle Clue!)
baiscally, if an interrogation fails, or if oyur attacked or you attack the killer, the result instead of beign settled w traditional dice could be settled with good old fashioned fisticuffs!

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