1) I feel my capstone would fit into a Web Game Development Capstone. Games can fit into any kind of Animation, Interactive media and fits pretty well into any New media discipline. I feel that anyone who is working with Flash or Animation would be a nice fit for me, because I can help them as much as they could help me. A sound person I also want to make my capstone multiplayer and be able to be ran from a server so anyone can jump into a game with each other and anyone with a solid Computer Science background in web server programming would be assist me.
2) I plan to use Flash and Maya (I had few elements which I feel would be interesting in 3-d, in a 2-d game) such as characters and weapons. I also wanted a 'bonus' feature where players could look at weapons and items and characters in 3-d still after completing parts of my game. I'm still not sure what I wnat to use to create the audio. I feel that this area is my biggest weakness due to lack of experience. but I know Jessica Faux could def help me ;)
I would also display my game on a webpage (which as of now seems to be the best vehicle to deliver my project. I am pretty proficient with the language, and I could connect my game to a web server and add additional features with php/mySQL such as a high score board and real saving.
3) I thought that these students may be fun and useful to group with; Meredith Cudle, Rebekah Crowmer, Stephanie Hii, Prentiss Bryant. But I don't really know who they are :) Thier blogs were interesting to me.
A log dedicated to charting and planning out my capstone experience. It may be useful for anyone trying to find themselves, or to get through a creative wall or stumbling block. I also plan to create a chart and plan to help organize and carry out my capstone.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Rules and Ideas for Super Hero Fighting Game (Idea #2)
(In prog)
Writing these out, I have already noticed a pattern and theme in my games that i want to keep going with, setting Indy, characters (my top secret ones, are recurring in all of my games and comics) and ... (insert more)... I would love to keep the theme going.
I have been thinking about this idea for a long time. I even drew some prototypes for a few of my characters. At this point 2 are top secret, and i will only release them when the I finish the game.
I have already created a 2-d fighitng game engine that i would love to utilize for this. I haven't expanded it to a 2-d brawler (Like Double dragon or Final Fight) where your super powered protagonist goes through the streets of Indianapolis beating down evil doers and stopping the chaos that was unleashed on indianapolis.
each character will have a unique move set, but a few can share these type of gauges that dictate how they use their special.
walk, dash jump, punch, kick, counter/block, special(fireballs, weapons, ...anything else) Special attack
Stamina Meters:
The classic bar that measures how much abuse your character can take before they are K'O'ed Different PC(Player characters) characters have different amounts of health.
Other characters have smaller meters, that you have to reduce to zero before they are K.O.'ed. Bosses may have different color bars that reflect how much health. For example, a boss may have a green meter instead of yellow. That basically means they have twice as much health as a normal enemy, and after the green is depleted, then the yellow bar will appear. The green could be considered a shield or armor someone is equipped with.
Immediately beneath your characters yellow bar is their special meter. these come in a few flavors:
Rage Meter:
When it is full charged, your character will glow red and take and receive 10% more damage. And when you unleash their special move/power it will deal 20% more damage. It also charges faster than the infinite special meter.
Infinite Special Meter:
Charges slower, and when it it is maxed, allows a player to use their special. with no Apparent change. The key difference is when the player takes damage, the meter recharges faster and faster Allowing more and more use of their special. And when the player's health is in the red (really low), that's when this really shines! It allows infinite use of their super meter when tehy are in desperation mode, and then you are capable of chaining and comboing your specials together! You could create a character who uses has a machine gun hadoken or a infinite laser beam that demolishes opponents and sets up some nice combos!
(In prog)
Writing these out, I have already noticed a pattern and theme in my games that i want to keep going with, setting Indy, characters (my top secret ones, are recurring in all of my games and comics) and ... (insert more)... I would love to keep the theme going.
I have been thinking about this idea for a long time. I even drew some prototypes for a few of my characters. At this point 2 are top secret, and i will only release them when the I finish the game.
I have already created a 2-d fighitng game engine that i would love to utilize for this. I haven't expanded it to a 2-d brawler (Like Double dragon or Final Fight) where your super powered protagonist goes through the streets of Indianapolis beating down evil doers and stopping the chaos that was unleashed on indianapolis.
General Game Mechanics:
each character will have a unique move set, but a few can share these type of gauges that dictate how they use their special.
walk, dash jump, punch, kick, counter/block, special(fireballs, weapons, ...anything else) Special attack
Stamina Meters:
The classic bar that measures how much abuse your character can take before they are K'O'ed Different PC(Player characters) characters have different amounts of health.
Other characters have smaller meters, that you have to reduce to zero before they are K.O.'ed. Bosses may have different color bars that reflect how much health. For example, a boss may have a green meter instead of yellow. That basically means they have twice as much health as a normal enemy, and after the green is depleted, then the yellow bar will appear. The green could be considered a shield or armor someone is equipped with.
Immediately beneath your characters yellow bar is their special meter. these come in a few flavors:
Rage Meter:
When it is full charged, your character will glow red and take and receive 10% more damage. And when you unleash their special move/power it will deal 20% more damage. It also charges faster than the infinite special meter.
Infinite Special Meter:
Charges slower, and when it it is maxed, allows a player to use their special. with no Apparent change. The key difference is when the player takes damage, the meter recharges faster and faster Allowing more and more use of their special. And when the player's health is in the red (really low), that's when this really shines! It allows infinite use of their super meter when tehy are in desperation mode, and then you are capable of chaining and comboing your specials together! You could create a character who uses has a machine gun hadoken or a infinite laser beam that demolishes opponents and sets up some nice combos!
Rules and Ideas for Battle Clue (Idea #3)
(In progress)
I wanted to write out my thoughts about one of my ideas out of my 3 for my capstone. (500 words was definitely not enough)
This will be a Adobe flash game, and I want to make it use a fighting game engine that i have created. I want to create the art and characters and the board with flash. Maybe even add a bit of Art with maya to create '3-d' in a 2d space. But the main aspects of the game would be the player(s) [I'd love to figure out how to make it multi-player and run off of a server] killer, and the other characters. Like NPC's in other games. I want it to begin with all of the players human and cpu and the killer in the Mansion or a locked room. Similar to clue. Also like Clue, I see this as a tile based board game, with a top down perspective. When the player can see the halls ways and room and others characters except when they go into a room.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// BATTLE CLUE (working title) /////////////////////////////////////////////
Game Mechanics:
*The Game board (a.k.a. The Mysterious Mansion)
The main idea is that the player moves around the board (dice or free move*), room to room. I also want to include some hidden passages and places to hide too, and the ability to interrogate/fight suspects and search suspects and rooms to gather clues. And maybe accidentally encounter the killer. basically you cna talk to suspects and see if they'll jsut talk or maybe won't copoerate because there scared. Or maybe force os the only alternative.... ** see Fight Mechanic
// * ////////////// I was having a debate here ////////////////////////////////////////
Dice or FreeMove?
I was debating on having a dice mechanic to move around the board. I feel it may slow the pace of the game, but maybe if it comes down to you chasing down the killer from attacking another character, or hiding for safety. Then the dice could be suddenly much more dramatic. I still haven't figured out the best way for this to work.
The Player(s)
The human player(s) can choose from the familiar roster (Something i will probably change in the future i.e. Capt. Condiment, instead of Col. Mustard) of suspects to play as. Once the game beings they start in the main foyer with the other characters as they all seperate to find the killer in their own way. As the game beigns, it is possible to talk to other players and interrogate (mabye even fight) but when you are in a room with more than one character, it is possible for others to join the fray. especially if you decdie to attack one perosn, then the other 8 jump in to defend them. You also begin with one (random) peice of evidence that points to the killer. I haven't quite thought out the clues yet.
Also the killer,(Or as the killer, you begin with one randomly assigned weapon, which will be determined as teh murder weapon and can lead to your imprisonment. But you also have it starting out in a fight so you have an edge.)
*I'm also trying to figure out that after plying through the game once, if we could unlock 'the killer mode) Where you have to go and kill the other players and escape without getting caught arrested or busted.
The killer: Has a weapon starting out. Can have others (including NPC's) attack him if they catch him attempting to murder another character. Also the killer,(Or as the killer, you begin with one randomly assigned weapon, which will be determined as the murder weapon (Possibly the gun, though that sounds broke in this game because I picture you being able to fire it down hallways) and can lead to your imprisonment. But you also have it starting out in a fight so you have an edge.))
** Fight Mechanic (a.k.a. the Battle part of Battle Clue!)
baiscally, if an interrogation fails, or if oyur attacked or you attack the killer, the result instead of beign settled w traditional dice could be settled with good old fashioned fisticuffs!
I wanted to write out my thoughts about one of my ideas out of my 3 for my capstone. (500 words was definitely not enough)
This will be a Adobe flash game, and I want to make it use a fighting game engine that i have created. I want to create the art and characters and the board with flash. Maybe even add a bit of Art with maya to create '3-d' in a 2d space. But the main aspects of the game would be the player(s) [I'd love to figure out how to make it multi-player and run off of a server] killer, and the other characters. Like NPC's in other games. I want it to begin with all of the players human and cpu and the killer in the Mansion or a locked room. Similar to clue. Also like Clue, I see this as a tile based board game, with a top down perspective. When the player can see the halls ways and room and others characters except when they go into a room.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// BATTLE CLUE (working title) /////////////////////////////////////////////
Game Mechanics:
*The Game board (a.k.a. The Mysterious Mansion)
The main idea is that the player moves around the board (dice or free move*), room to room. I also want to include some hidden passages and places to hide too, and the ability to interrogate/fight suspects and search suspects and rooms to gather clues. And maybe accidentally encounter the killer. basically you cna talk to suspects and see if they'll jsut talk or maybe won't copoerate because there scared. Or maybe force os the only alternative.... ** see Fight Mechanic
// * ////////////// I was having a debate here ////////////////////////////////////////
Dice or FreeMove?
I was debating on having a dice mechanic to move around the board. I feel it may slow the pace of the game, but maybe if it comes down to you chasing down the killer from attacking another character, or hiding for safety. Then the dice could be suddenly much more dramatic. I still haven't figured out the best way for this to work.
The Player(s)
The human player(s) can choose from the familiar roster (Something i will probably change in the future i.e. Capt. Condiment, instead of Col. Mustard) of suspects to play as. Once the game beings they start in the main foyer with the other characters as they all seperate to find the killer in their own way. As the game beigns, it is possible to talk to other players and interrogate (mabye even fight) but when you are in a room with more than one character, it is possible for others to join the fray. especially if you decdie to attack one perosn, then the other 8 jump in to defend them. You also begin with one (random) peice of evidence that points to the killer. I haven't quite thought out the clues yet.
Also the killer,(Or as the killer, you begin with one randomly assigned weapon, which will be determined as teh murder weapon and can lead to your imprisonment. But you also have it starting out in a fight so you have an edge.)
*I'm also trying to figure out that after plying through the game once, if we could unlock 'the killer mode) Where you have to go and kill the other players and escape without getting caught arrested or busted.
The killer: Has a weapon starting out. Can have others (including NPC's) attack him if they catch him attempting to murder another character. Also the killer,(Or as the killer, you begin with one randomly assigned weapon, which will be determined as the murder weapon (Possibly the gun, though that sounds broke in this game because I picture you being able to fire it down hallways) and can lead to your imprisonment. But you also have it starting out in a fight so you have an edge.))
** Fight Mechanic (a.k.a. the Battle part of Battle Clue!)
baiscally, if an interrogation fails, or if oyur attacked or you attack the killer, the result instead of beign settled w traditional dice could be settled with good old fashioned fisticuffs!
Looking at the Big Picture Outside Myself
DONE! Only took 4 hours with everyone's capchas... but it was interesting to see how many people that are still struggling for ideas, or a focus idea.. (It's okay I understand that pain, it took me forever to figure out what I wanted.) I think I got everyone, but if I missed you, Billy Johnson Let me know!
DONE! Only took 4 hours with everyone's capchas... but it was interesting to see how many people that are still struggling for ideas, or a focus idea.. (It's okay I understand that pain, it took me forever to figure out what I wanted.) I think I got everyone, but if I missed you, Billy Johnson Let me know!
I thought the group discussion was interesting, unfortunately I go their late. But I was still able to see what was going on and I got the gist of seeing students pitching their ideas to each other. Alot of students had the tools and knew what they wnated to use (I bet that's changed since last week) but didn't really have an idea. i.e. I want to make a 2-d game with Flash .... i want to make a level in UDK or Maya .... and (this might sound bad) but it was kind of comforting to see so many people struggling for a project that defined them. A lot of people have a tool like Flash or maya that they are comfortable with and they obviously wnated to stick with that, but they still didn't have a core idea. Other students had long elaborate pitches... not exactly a clear idea. More like a vague idea (Kind of like me at first) and there's no way to pitch that to someone in a few minutes. (And that's probably still too long) The 'elevator pitch' I felt was a cruel, but effective way to see if we really had a focused idea or were still graping for straws. I think it caught us all off gaurd, but it was a nice slap in the face for us. It got us thinking, at least me. I honestly doubt I could have given a focused idea to someone about my project before that class.
Capstone Ideas
It has been my dream to break into the gaming industry with
my art! But as my Herron career came to
a close, I was learning just well I am at some of this programming stuff! Since those baby steps into new Media I have
had a burning desire. I’ve always wanted
to make a game that I had fun playing.
And back in the day, I remember passing the stick around the room as we
watched each other getting are faces hadoken’d (And YES I’m using it as a
VERB!) in.
One of my favorite genres was the fighting genre (aka the
button masher) Street Fighter, tekken, Final Fight (Side scrolling counts for
me) Scott Pilgrim, Shenmue, Tales of Destiny or whatever they are calling
themselves now, etc … But I always felt the games as a whole have done nothing
unique or inspirational. My fiancé hates
them and says that they are boring. On
the outside looking in yes, all you see is one guy mashing wildly as King(from tekken)
continually throws him to death. Or you watch
helplessly as your juggled to death.
On the inside of the player, it’s exciting battle as the throwee
frantically searches for the right button press to counter and break out of
King’s holds. To a Tekken master, all it
requires is a two button press at the right time instantly free themselves. This counter system is something that is
lacking to create a ‘true’ fighting game.
Tekken attempted it, where whoever landed a hit first could capture their
helpless play in an in-escapable combo. Other games have tried, but I felt that
it was too complex or not complex enough.
One of my goals for my capstone game is to
create a nice balance of reversals, counters, which anyone can do. And I want to attempt to make those
reversible as well… closer to a true kung fu or karate sport.
I know what I want to use and how
to create it. But I have been struggling
with a story for this. I have characters
that are fleshed out, and a villain, but I don’t have the story fleshed out
yet. I was hoping for a bit of advice
and help on where I can go with this. I
was wondering if I could do a pole and see what you guys think:
1# I did want to do an old school one vs. one, but as my fiancé
pointed out (who hates fighting games… boring, dumb plots. But that is what I want to change) I want to
do it, but again I feel it dry for a capstone.
I’m mainly lacking a good story for this one.
2# A side scrolling beat’em up w Super heroes. (I still like this idea, but it goes against
my philosophy of a simple, traditional fighting game.) But this offers tons of opportunity for
unique mini games and flash animation and I have been leaning towards this way. I already have a cast w 6 playable and some
background and story taking place in Indianapolis. (I can explain this further in another blog
cause this will be more than 500+ words)
3# I also had an Idea of using the fight ‘engine’ for
another game I invented when I was 12 called Battle Clue. Basically, it’s the classic kid’s board game
favorite clue, but when you look for clues you have to fight the others and
eventually fight and subdue the killer.
But it would be a board game, and the fight engine would be called
during investigation and arrest. I need
to see if you guys think this would be a capstone worthy idea.
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